SES resume writing is an art form all of its own. Unlike any other application for a job, the federal government’s Senior Executive Service application practically demands that it be prepared by a seasoned professional in order to even have a chance at the job you are interested in.  The top reason qualified candidates are rejected is because they do not show how they are qualified for the position in question in their resume. In fact, many people try to do it on their own and after multiple attempts without an interview for jobs they are qualified for; they turn to professional SES resume writers.

For anyone who wishes to be considered for an SES position, the SES resume and its accompanying documents are critical. In the private sector, a resume is much less important than when you are applying for a federal government Senior Executive Service position. It is literally your one chance at getting an interview. If you cannot prove on paper your skills and abilities and how they translate to you being to use them in the job you are applying on, you will simply not get an interview.

The SES application actually consists of four different parts: the SES resume, Executive Core Qualifications, Cover Letter and the Managerial and Technical Qualification Statements. Each must contain specific information, including resume buzz words and specific examples of Senior Level management skills. The resume and ECQs are multiple page documents, while the other two documents are a page or more each.

The ECQs

The federal government has established 5 Executive Core Qualifications or ECQs that are necessary skills and abilities for anyone looking for a Senior Executive position. They include:

–    Leading People

–    Leading Change

–    Building Coalitions

–    Being Results Driven

–    Having Business Acumen

Correctly addressing these qualifications is a crucial part of the SES resume. You must show how each qualification is met with competence and demonstrate each with examples from your own experiences. It is imperative that you clearly show how you have demonstrated your skills and abilities in each of these, the essential qualifications for an SES position, with real-life examples. This section of the SES application is often deemed the most important one. If you do not adequately put your experience on paper in this section, your application will be rejected.

It takes a tremendous amount of time for the first time SES applicant to prepare his or her own responses to these questions, as the learning curve is steep. He also runs the risk of doing it incorrectly or inadequately and losing the opportunity of a position that may be a once in a lifetime opportunity. Using a SES resume writing service is the answer for the busy executive who is ready to transition into a position of responsibility with the federal government. For a small investment, you can avail of the services of a professional writer who will create an SES resume for you that will give you the best chance possible of advancing to the next step, the interview.

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